# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 9. Let’s recommend #chuanzhiweichuanchuanxiang self-heating hotpot#. This tastes the same as the Bashu family's Maocai self-heating hot pot, and the amount of sesame pepper is also very moderate, unlike the Bashu family's kind of a bit too much. The dishes inside, such as vegetarian belly, lotus root slices, potato chips, bamboo shoots and noodles, all seem to be the same. The Bashu family’s price is 11 dollars. In comparison, this is only 6 dollars. Ordinary boiled fish seasoning costs 4 dollars. My god, what good and cheap manufacturers are there? Who else buys boiled fish seasoning? Buy this! ! ! I strongly recommend it! ! !
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 9.来推荐一下 #川知味串串香自热火锅#。这个和巴蜀世家的冒菜自热火锅味道一样,而且麻椒的量还很适量,不像巴蜀世家那种有点加多了。里面的菜品,素毛肚藕片土豆片笋粉条啥的也都似乎是一毛一样。 巴蜀世家的是11刀,对比下来这个也才6刀,普通的水煮鱼调料也得4刀,我的天什么物美价廉的好厂家?那谁还买水煮鱼调料啊买这个啊!!!我强烈强烈强烈推荐啊!!!