# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 11. Let’s recommend #haidilaoxiangspicy Instant Food Self-heating Hot Pot #. The fried tofu puffs, shrimp balls, and white fungus were added by myself. This recommendation is also very tangled. I can give it a general or a recommendation. After thinking about it, I should recommend it. The recommended point is that this packaging, a very large and tall box, is much more spacious than other self-heating hot pots I have tried. Even if you add vegetables, it is very convenient to stir. It was also very distracting to send chopsticks, but it was very laborious to hold the vermicelli. In addition to other dishes, kelp and fungus are added to the dish, but I don't like kelp. And the amount of food is really huge, super super big. It's pretty affordable for this price. The problem is that there are a lot of pepper and fennel in the ingredients. When you eat something like vermicelli and white fungus, you have to pick it up with the small plastic spoon that comes with it, or you really can't eat it. The taste is a little numb, the taste is not brilliant, but there is nothing wrong with it. By the way, this app is really buggy, and the out-of-stock items can't be found, so how can I tag it! ! !
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 11.来推荐一下 #海底捞香辣速食自热火锅 #。 炸豆腐泡,虾丸,银耳是我自己加的。这个推荐我给的也很纠结,给一般和推荐都可以,想了想还是给推荐吧。推荐的点在于这包装,很大很高的盒子,比起其他我试过的自热火锅都要宽敞很多,就算加了菜也是可以搅拌的很方便。 送了个筷子也很走心,不过夹着粉条滑滑的好费劲。菜里除了其他菜都有菜之外,还加了海带和木耳,不过我不爱吃海带。而且菜量真的巨大,超级超级大。这个价位来说很实惠吧。 问题是,料包的花椒和茴香挺多的,粉条银耳这种东西吃的时候就得拿着附赠那个小塑料匙好个劲儿的挑,不然真的没法吃。味道偏麻一点点,味道不出彩,但是没毛病。话说回来这app真的bug,缺货的商品搜不出来那我还怎么上标签!!!