# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 13. Let’s recommend # S&B Garlic Almond Chili Oil#. I originally thought that this kind of thing was quite IQ tax, after all, I should be able to do it myself. But because I have done it myself... I found that it is really incomparable to this, and I have self-knowledge since then. The garlic smell is really fragrant, and it's not spicy, and the red oil is particularly beautiful. My family doesn't eat spicy food. For him, this is slightly spicy and acceptable. For me, it is not spicy at all. This is especially convenient for mixing pig ears and cold skin. Very recommended! You can eat, party and cook by yourself!
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 13.来推荐一下 # S&B蒜蓉杏仁辣油#。我本来觉得这种东西挺智商税的,毕竟自己应该也能做。但是因为自己做过…发现确实和这个没法比,从此有了自知之明。这个蒜香味真的很香,而且还不辣,红油特别漂亮。我家呆斌不吃辣,这个对他来说就是微辣还能接受,对我来说是完全不辣。拌猪耳朵和拌凉皮用这个都特别方便。非常推荐!啥自己吃聚会做饭露一手都可!