# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # As a qualified foodie. I can tell you responsibly. Yami must order a few packets of snail powder to be worthy of himself. Especially now that the weather is getting colder. Eating a bowl of hot snail powder is really refreshing. I highly recommend Luobawang's Luoshi powder. Lots of ingredients. Lots of noodles. The taste is just right. A person is really full after eating. The noodles are dry rice noodles. I usually soak in warm water for half an hour in advance. This way it doesn't take too long to cook. The noodles are really springy. And smooth and tender. The soup base is also hot and sour "smelly". It's too authentic. The only downside is that every time I eat it. The smell in the living room took all day to dissipate. But even so. It didn't wipe out my love for the snail powder.
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# 无辣不欢 吃辣挑战 # 身为一个合格的吃货. 可以很负责的告诉你. 亚米每一单一定都要顺几包螺狮粉才对得起自己. 特别现在天气越来越冷了. 吃一碗热腾腾的螺狮粉真的爽爆了. 我蛮推荐螺霸王家的螺狮粉的. 配料多.面量多.味道也正. 一个人吃完真的饱到满足足. 这款的面是干米粉. 我一般都会提前用温水泡半小时. 这样下火煮的时候不需要花太长时间. 面条真的很Q弹.而且滑嫩. 汤底也是酸酸辣辣“臭臭”的. 太正宗的了. 唯一缺点就是每次吃完. 客厅里的味道要花一整天才散去. 但是就算这样. 也没有磨灭我对螺狮粉的爱.