[Recommendation of Magical Snacks] Today, I recommend two special snacks, both of which are small packages and easy to carry. Photo 1: After eating potato chips and vegetable chips, I tried lotus root chips for the first time. The taste is very crispy, a pack is just right for the afternoon when you are hungry and sleepy 👻👻 Photo 2: Chia seed konjac jelly is so delicious! It's too suitable for girls who are greedy and don't want to grow meat~~ The peach flavor has a faint peach fragrance, and the chia seeds inside are very similar to the taste of fig seeds
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【神奇小零食推荐】今天推荐两款特别的小零食,都是小包装,方便携带。 图一:吃过薯片蔬菜片,第一次尝试莲藕片。口感很酥脆,一包正好适合下午小饿小困的时候👻👻 图二:奇亚籽蒟蒻果冻太好吃了!太适合嘴馋又不想长肉的妹子们~~桃子味的有淡淡的水蜜桃香,里面的奇亚籽很像无花果籽的味道