# 年货好物种草指南 # 2. Lay's Salted Egg Yolk Potato Chips. It's really named as a ghost, and it really has the taste of salted egg yolk. The light salted egg yolk tastes good in the mouth (?), but Du Bin said it was unpalatable after taking a bite... The egg yolk thing is more suitable for the taste of our Chinese people. . But there is no such thing as meat dumplings... I'm still wondering how potato chips taste like dumplings, I think too much. This is very suitable for New Year's hoarding while watching dramas and eating.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 2. 乐事咸蛋黄肉粽味薯片。真是取名鬼才,还真的有咸蛋黄味,淡淡的咸蛋黄在嘴里回甘(?)挺好吃的,不过呆斌吃了一口说难吃…蛋黄的东西还是比较复合我们国人的口味。不过没有肉粽子的事儿…我还在好奇薯片怎么会有粽子味,我想太多了。这种挺适合过年囤来一边看剧一边吃。