The Chinese New Year is approaching, I would like to share with you a simple and quick way of rolling a donkey. Among them, Wangzhi and bean paste bought by Yami are used, and the sweetness and extension are quite suitable. 200g glutinous rice flour 35g white sugar (I used mangosteen sugar) 200g warm water Stir the above ingredients by hand until there are no particles, cover with a steaming cloth (she used plastic wrap, I think it is not healthy), put it on and steam for 25-30 minutes after the water is boiled, poke it with chopsticks to see if the color is slightly translucent, it is cooked . Sprinkle a layer of cooked soybean flour on a large cutting board or kneading mat (don't sprinkle too much or it will be sticky), pour the glutinous rice balls on top to cool down a little, flatten them into a relatively regular shape, then roll them into large thin slices, and apply a layer of bean paste , roll up, cut open, and done! It is strongly recommended to make it now and eat it on the same day‼ ️I made too much and put it in the refrigerator and took it out the next day. Although it became soft after turning it in the microwave for 30 seconds, the taste is far from fresh. # 年货好物种草指南 #
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快过年了,给大家分享一个简单快手的驴打滚做法,其中用了亚米买的王致和豆沙,甜度和延展度都挺合适。 200克糯米粉 35克白砂糖(我用了罗汉果糖) 200克温水 以上材料手动搅拌至没有颗粒,盖上一块蒸布(她用了保鲜膜,我觉得不太健康),水开后放上去蒸25-30分钟,用筷子戳开看看颜色有点半透明就是熟了。 大砧板或者揉面垫上撒一层熟黄豆粉(不要撒太少否则会很黏), 把糯米团倒上去稍微降降温,压扁成比较规整的形状,然后擀成大薄片,抹一层豆沙,卷起来,切开,完成! 强烈建议当天现做现吃‼️我做太多放进冰箱以后第二天拿出来硬邦邦的,虽说微波炉里转个30秒就变软了,但是味道口感远不如新鲜的。 # 年货好物种草指南 #