# 年货好物种草指南 # 19. Haidilao clear soup hot pot base. It's the kind of non-spicy clear soup pot that I ordered at a hot pot restaurant, similar to bone broth, with a little Chinese medicine smell, but I can't eat it. His mushroom soup is also delicious, the soup of these two soup dumplings can be drunk directly! I don't know why some people don't like it, maybe they don't know how to mix their own dipping sauce. I tried eating on the balcony with DAI Bin. When he was not at home, I would just cook a small pot and eat it like Figure 3. After all, the clear soup pot does not need to be spicy, it is to give the vegetables a base flavor. The main taste depends on the dipping sauce. Although the bottom taste is not heavy, it is still much stronger than that of boiled water. The cost of eating for two at home is only 20 dollars. It is still the kind with shrimp slippery and balls. It is cost-effective and convenient to make it yourself. But don't buy Haidilao's Sanxian hot pot base and Mala Tang base, it's hard to eat.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 19. 海底捞清汤火锅底料。就是我在火锅店点的那种不辣清汤锅的味道,类似骨汤,带一点中药气味,但是又吃不出来的那种。他家菌菇汤料也好吃,这两个汤包的汤可以直接喝!不知道为啥有人会不喜欢 大概是他们不太会调自己的蘸料吧。我试过跟呆斌在阳台吃,他不在家时我就图个省事想图3那种自己煮一个小锅吃。 毕竟清汤锅这种不必麻辣锅,就是给蔬菜个底味。主要味道还是要看蘸料的 虽说底味不重,但是却还是比白水煮的强很多。在家俩人吃成本也就20刀吧,还是有虾滑有丸子的那种,还是自己做合算又方便。不过不要买海底捞的三鲜火锅底料和麻辣烫底料,很难吃。