# 年货好物种草指南 # 20. Lee Kum Kee fish fillet hot pot with soup. The first time I bought it, I just cooked the fish fillets as a base for fear of being unpalatable. It's really delicious, I don't know how to do it, and the taste of the fresh fish soup is locked in the seasoning bag? Just like I used to eat farmhouse grilled fish near my home, it is as fresh as fishing, killing and cooking. The fishy smell is much weaker, and the umami taste is a bit worse, but it is really good. I just wanted fresh fish soup for a while, and I accidentally bought a treasure! The practice is also very simple, that is, the fish fillets are cut and marinated with white pepper, and then the starch is put into the soup pot and boiled, and the end. Especially light and fresh fish fillet soup! I'm going to repurchase to make fish fillet hot pot! (I tried my best to change several keywords, but I couldn't find the label of this product 🙃)
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 20. 李锦记鱼片火锅上汤。第一次买,怕难吃我就只是当底料煮了鱼片。真的挺好吃的,不知道怎么做到的,把鲜鱼汤的味道锁在了料包里?就跟我之前在家附近吃农家烤鱼,现钓鱼现杀现煮一样鲜,腥味还弱了很多,鲜味差一丢丢,但是做的真的很棒了。 这阵子我还正好想要鲜鱼汤,意外买到了宝!做法还巨简单,就是鱼片切好用白胡椒腌一下下,然后淀粉挂浆下汤锅里煮一下,结束。特别清淡的鲜鱼片汤!我要回购做鱼片火锅!(我尽力了改了好几个关键词愣是没搜出来这个产品的标签🙃)