# 年货好物种草指南 # Yami New Year's Goods: 26. Laoganma Spicy dishes. This one was bought by me in January 2020 (it's already eaten up). Really spicy, especially suitable for fried rice! The number of times I ate fried rice in the two months I opened this bottle skyrocketed! It is the kind of mustard that is generally delicious (different from Chenglin mustard... I mean similar to this canned mustard) and then add spicy spicy! I especially like to eat. However, I don’t like the usual Laoganma’s hot sauce and Laoganma’s mushroom sauce, and I don’t like the sauces from the Fansaoguang series. If someone thinks like me that the latter ones are not delicious, and they are very spicy, I highly recommend buying them. To put it horribly, it is not so painful to take a bottle of bibimbap when you come across something unpalatable during the Chinese New Year.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 亚米Yami新年好物: 26.老干妈 香辣菜。这个是我2020年1月买的(早就吃光了)。真的挺辣的,特别特别特别适合炒饭!我开这瓶那两个月吃炒饭的次数暴涨!就是一般好吃的那种榨菜(和成林榨菜不同啊…我是说类似这种罐头装的榨菜)然后加辣辣辣!我特别喜欢吃。 不过一般的老干妈辣酱和老干妈的蘑菇酱我都不是很爱吃,饭扫光系列的酱我也不爱吃。如果有人跟我一样觉得后面这几个都不好吃,还非常能吃辣,非常建议买。说句难听的,过年串门碰上难吃的东西,拿一瓶拌饭年夜饭也不至于那么痛苦哈。