# 年货好物种草指南 # 27. Taiwan Sanfeng Noodle House Healthy natural yam noodles. I bought it twice, mainly because every time I restocked, I ran to grab it by email reminder, and it was gone in a while. This noodle is very soft, similar to vermicelli, but it has a slight yam and salty taste, and it is harder than some noodles. Overall, the taste is between soba noodles and vermicelli. I personally like it very much. It is also very suitable when eaten as かけそば, and it is perfect with soft-hearted eggs, very, very recommended. It is just right to cook egg noodles in a clear soup for the Chinese New Year (after all, you will eat a lot of meat). I've made ramen a few times with this one (I'm not interested in instant noodle style noodles) (addition: oos tags can't be added).
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 27. 台湾三风面馆 健康天然山药面。买过两次,主要是每次补货都靠邮箱提醒跑去抢,晚一会儿就没了。这个面条很软,类似挂面,但是本身带有微微的山药味和咸味,又比挂面要硬一些,整体来说味道介于荞麦面和挂面之间,我个人是非常喜欢的。 当かけそば吃也特别合适,配上溏心蛋就很完美,非常非常推荐。过年煮个清汤的鸡蛋面(毕竟会吃很多肉)刚刚好。我那这个做过几次拉面(对方便面风格的面条不感兴趣的我)(补充:oos了标签添加不进去)。