# 年货好物种草指南 # Wow delicious. Although fat. But it's really delicious. Originally like this kind of moon cake filling, it will become very sweet and greasy. But this stuffing is added with dried fruit, which balances the sweetness of the stuffing. The cotton has Q bombs, and the sweetness is just right. The meringue is thin enough. It is indeed a good cake, but it is usually very expensive. Start the activity.
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# 年货好物种草指南 #哇 好吃哟。虽然肥。不过真的好好吃,本来像这种月饼馅都会变得很甜腻,糊嗓子。但是这个馅里加了果干,这样就平衡了馅料的甜腻,绵中带Q弹,甜味也调的恰到好处,酥皮够薄,的确是好饼,就是平时很贵,还是要等做活动入手。