# 年货好物种草指南 #This little fish is delicious. Anyway, I keep repurchasing, it’s more chewy, and it’s more convenient to pack. I carry a small bag to work every day, and I bring one when I’m free. It feels as if my bag is nothing but snacks. I’m not Love it, because I have never liked the taste of tempeh, but my unlucky brother loves it. Use it to mix rice and noodles, and snort a bowl of rice, which is easy to feed. Bibimbap is my favorite, but I only love mixed rice, so I don’t need to cook. I steam a bowl of rice in the morning, just hang it in a bottle and go to work. Rice mixes are also delicious. Vitamins can be supplemented by apples. , and a glass of barley green juice in the evening, it is convenient and convenient.
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# 年货好物种草指南 #这个小鱼好吃的很啊。反正我是不断回购,比较有嚼劲,而且分包装,更方便,每天揣一小包带着去上班,空闲就来一包,感觉好像我的包里除了零食就是零食~豆豉鲮鱼我不是很爱,因为我一直不喜欢豆豉的味道,但我那倒霉弟弟爱啊。用它拌饭拌面,呼噜呼噜下了一碗饭,好养活。拌饭料是我的爱,但我独爱拌米饭,不用做菜了,早上蒸一碗饭,直接挂个瓶子就上班了,米饭拌料也是有滋有味,维生素就靠苹果来补吧,晚上再来一杯大麦若叶青汁,省事方便。