# 年货好物种草指南 # 34. Soen Garden Quicksand mayonnaise. This brand also sells salted duck eggs, so I was relieved when I bought it. There is really real duck egg yolk in it, which is especially delicious! ! ! I recommend! ! ! This one is comparable to the other one that everyone is buying, but it is actually prepared with salad dressing. Figure 3 What is the Hong Kong fake salted egg yolk sauce is much better. Then it has made salted egg yolk seaweed rice, and salted egg yolk fried rice is huge and delicious! Why isn't this on fire! I also have a sister who said that crab roe is not easy to buy here. She uses salted egg yolk instead of crab roe to make tofu pot, but I haven't had time to try it...
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 34. 荘园 流沙蛋黄酱。这个牌子还卖咸鸭蛋,买的时候我就放心了不少。里面确实是实在的鸭蛋黄,特别好吃!!!我推荐!!!这个可比另外一个大家都在买,但实际上是用沙拉酱调配出来的图3什么香港假咸蛋黄酱好太多了。那它做过咸蛋黄紫菜包饭,咸蛋黄炒饭都巨巨巨好吃!这个为什么不火啊!我还有个姐妹说这边蟹黄不好买,她是用咸蛋黄替代蟹黄做豆腐煲的,不过我还没来得及尝试…