# 年货好物种草指南 # 39. House Good Serving Oden Seasoning Pack. To be fair, this is not suitable for Japanese-style oden... If you must eat Japanese-style oden, you must reduce the amount of water. I have made it 3 times. There are 4 sachets in this package. The box says 1 sachet with 1000-1200ml of water. For the first time I used 900ml...no smell...really nothing. I can't understand how the praise came from. It's not the taste of Japanese Oden, is it? The second time I tried to make noodles (the box said that I can mix 500ml of water with soup noodles), the soup noodles were not delicious, but the soup was very Oden style. But it's not Japanese oden either... nor is it Chinese oden. I mixed the oden soup I made last time with hondashi and some celestial spices with this powder and it was delicious. I recommend it here because I think this is very suitable for making Korean ❤️❤️❤️ fish cake soup ❤️❤️❤️. The Korean soup uses dried small fish, kelp and radish, etc. This is cooked directly with radish and pepper, and the soup that comes out is really delicious with the fish cake in Figure 3! Have eaten two or three times already! That fish cake is usually tasteless when I put it in a hot pot, but I still have to eat it according to the original way of eating.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 39. House好侍 关东煮调料包。讲道理这个不适合做日式关东煮…如果一定要当日式关东煮吃,一定要减少水的用量。我做了3次了,这个包装里一共4小袋,盒子上说1袋配1000-1200ml的水。第一次我用了900ml……没味……真的没啥味。好评是怎么来的我百思不得其解,这也不是日本关东煮的味啊?第二次我试了下做面条(盒子上说可以用500ml水兑个汤面出来),结果汤面不好吃,可是那个兑出来的汤非常的关东煮风。 不过也不是日式关东煮的味…也不是中国关东煮的味。我把上次用hondashi和一些天朝香料做出来的关东煮的汤汁和这个粉混合后,好吃了。这里推荐是因为我觉得这个拿来做韩国的❤️❤️❤️鱼饼汤❤️❤️❤️,非常的合适。韩国那个汤要用到小鱼干、海带和萝卜等等。这个直接喝萝卜辣椒一起煮,出来的汤汁配图3的鱼饼真的好好吃!已经吃了两三次了!那个鱼饼平常我放到火锅里都觉得没啥味,果然还是得按照人家本来的吃法去吃。