# 年货好物种草指南 # 42. Cj Foods Doenjang. Korean soybean paste, very similar to spring onion mate bean paste, is especially suitable for dipping in lettuce and blanched spinach. Although it is close to the Northeast miso, I have to say that there is indeed more in it, it will be more fragrant and less salty. I took this and tried it in place of the thai bean paste for Thai boat noodles and it was delicious. There is nothing wrong with using it to make miso soup. However, if you make Northeastern sauce eggplant or something, it is still a little different when you eat a Northeastern soybean paste stew, and the flavor of the sauce may be worse. Although the theory is that it is fermented soybean paste like miso, it is not suitable for ginger and miso soup, and there are still some differences.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 42. Cj Foods Doenjang。韩式黄豆酱,和葱伴侣豆瓣酱很像,特别适合直接用生菜、焯水菠菜类蘸酱吃。和东北大酱虽然接近,但是我得说这里面确实多了些东西,吃着会更香一点,咸度会差一点。我拿这个试过代替泰式豆酱做泰国船面,味道很棒。 拿来做大酱汤也没啥额问题。不过如果做东北的酱茄子啥的,吃着根东北大酱炖的还是有点差别,可能酱香味会差一些。虽说理论啥和味噌一样都是发酵豆酱,但是拿来做生姜烧和味增汤也不太合适,多多少少还是有点差别。