# 年货好物种草指南 # 47. Baijia Chenji Guizhou Huaxi beef powder. I don't know if anyone has eaten the spicy whirlwind made by Master Kang when I was a child... It's similar to the spicy beef noodles, but the coriander and vegetable wraps are more flavorful, spicy and more fragrant. This powder is that flavor, less MSG and more bone broth. Since the noodles are rice noodles, not fried, it will be healthier. The packaging is also very thoughtful, and it is also emphasized that fans should soak it without stirring. I think doing it is even easier than instant noodles. The soup is very delicious and the amount is quite large. After eating one portion, I have a lot of support. I recommend it.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 47. 白家陈记 贵州花溪牛肉粉。不知道有没有人吃过以前小时候康师傅出的辣旋风...跟香辣牛肉面很像,但是香菜蔬菜包味更重,也更辣更香一些。这个粉就是那个味,少了些味精,多了些骨汤感。因为面条是米粉,不是油炸的,会更健康一些。包装写的也很贴心,粉丝要泡开不要搅拌也强调的很好。我觉得做着甚至比方便面省事。汤非常好喝,量也挺大的,一份儿吃完让我撑了不少,推荐。