# 年货好物种草指南 # 48. Little Sheep Hotpot base Spicy soup. I tried all kinds of Mala Tang Otto bases and I was not satisfied. Who knew that the hot pot base of this spicy soup was so similar to Yang Guofu's Mala Tang base soup! Although the latter tastes more complex, it is actually simple and delicious! This is one of my favorites from Little Sheep! (spicy is not delicious, don't buy it) One serving can be cooked in two small pots, enough for me to eat two malatangs by myself. Jujuju is delicious. I love Little Sheep! I'm going to put this on the repo list! I also tried its mushrooms, and it is also suitable for cooking for 1 person, not suitable for more than 2 people. I haven't tried the clear soup yet, I will try it another day and review it.
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 48. 小肥羊 火锅底料 辣汤。试了各种麻辣烫关东煮的底料都不满意,谁知道这个辣汤的火锅底料居然这么像杨国福麻辣烫的底汤!后者虽然味道更复杂一些,但是其实简单点反而好吃!这款是小肥羊家我最最最喜欢的款了!(麻辣的不好吃不要买) 一份可以煮两小锅出来,够我自己吃两顿的麻辣烫。巨巨巨好吃我爱小肥羊!这个我要放在回购清单上!它家菌菇我也试了,也是适合煮1人份的东西,不适合2人以上吃。清汤的我还没试,改天试了再评测。