# 年货好物种草指南 # Greedy Moment|Coffee Fancy Mix and Match ✨Bought a wave of instant soy milk for breakfast ✨ So I tried a wave of matching coffee and mixed flavors The taste of this soy milk is not too pure, it will be slightly sweet So paired with No. 4 three-and-a-half times coffee, which will be more mellow in taste When the two are paired together, the taste of soy milk will be more obvious. It weakens the coffee taste of the coffee itself, and the combination is not too harmonious Hahaha But as a foodie, I always have to keep searching and mixing and matching. Their soy milk has a strong soy taste and is made from non-GMO soybeans. A box of 6 bottles, packed in plastic, suitable for quick breakfast I feel that the taste will be better after being refrigerated, and it will be cold and cold. Serve with bread sandwiches, corn oatmeal, snack cookies
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yami_featured_image # 年货好物种草指南 # 馋嘴一刻|咖啡花式大混搭 ✨之前买了一波早餐速食豆浆✨ 于是尝试了一波搭配咖啡,混合口味 这个豆浆的味道感觉并不是太纯味,会稍稍有些甜 于是搭配了口感上会更为醇厚的4号三顿半咖啡 两个搭配在一起,感觉豆浆的味道会比较明显 弱化了咖啡本身的咖啡味道,搭配起来并不是太和谐 哈哈哈 不过作为吃货,总是要不断猎奇,不断混搭 他们家的豆浆,豆味会比较重,选用非转基因大豆制作 一盒有6瓶,塑料包装而成,适合速食当早餐食用 感觉放冰箱冷藏后,口感味道会更佳,冰冰凉凉 可以搭配面包三明治、玉米燕麦片、零食饼干