#年货好物种草指南 # 62. Saga Kuroge Wagyu Curry. It is suitable to buy and try it. The taste is not much different from that of the Sanju Pine Beef Curry, but this one will taste better? There was no meat in it either, it was probably stewed in broth. The amount of a bag is just right, and the taste is basically close to the ordinary curry of sb?
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# 年货好物种草指南 # 62.佐贺黑毛和牛咖喱。 适合买来尝尝鲜吧,跟之前晒的那款三重松板牛咖喱的味道差别不大,但是这款感觉会更好吃点?里面也没有肉,大概是用肉汤炖的吧。一袋子一顿的量吃着刚刚好,味道也基本上接近sb的普通咖喱差不多?