# 亚米虎年红包 # #Tiger year out of the box and sun red packets# I just want to eat some sweet desserts during the Chinese New Year, so I bought several desserts. These two types of creamy egg yolks are very delicious. Sanwei Crisp House is a little more expensive and bigger. Maybe I heated it for a long time, and it was very soft and glutinous when I ate it. AJI's Liquid Heart Crisp has very obvious layers inside, and the taste is delicate and rich in one bite. Both are not particularly sweet, recommended!
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# 亚米虎年红包 # #虎年开箱晒红包# 过年就是想吃些甜甜的甜点,所以买个好几款点心,这两款流心蛋黄酥,都非常好吃。三味酥屋稍微贵一些,也会大一点,可能我加热时间有点久,吃的时候里面非常软糯。AJI的流心酥,里面层次非常明显,一口下去,口感细腻又丰富。两款都不会特别甜,推荐!