# 2022双节快乐 # Morinaga Morinaga Tofu series. I actually bought several kinds of this series, some with Chinese characters, and some with only Roman characters. To be fair, I didn't see any difference... I don't really like soft tofu (except Yuzi tofu), so I bought it instead of firm is extra firm. However, the tofu of this brand is not hard... It doesn't match the old tofu of our Tian Dynasty, all of them are water tofu from the Northeast... 😓Dai Bin said that the tofu tastes good, but I think it is quite ordinary, even It can be said that it is not delicious. It can only be said that it is convenient (no need to refrigerate, and the shelf life is long), the quantity is small (if 2 people can't eat tofu very much, there are too many two pieces of Chinese tofu like Yachao), and it is suitable to stock up. I grew up eating tofu from a local brine tofu shop that my mother specially selected at the vegetable market and had to wait in line to buy it... This Morinaga tofu is still not as delicious as freshly prepared tofu, suitable for People who stock up in extraordinary times, or are too lazy to drive to Yachao to buy tofu now. 4⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # Morinaga森永 豆腐系列。这个系列我其实买了好几种,有的是带汉字的,有的是只有罗马字的,讲道理我没吃出来有啥区别……我其实不太喜欢吃软豆腐(玉子豆腐除外),所以买的不是firm就是extra firm。 然而这个牌子的豆腐,就没有硬的……跟咱们天朝的老豆腐啥的搭不上边,全都是东北的水豆腐……😓呆斌说豆腐味道挺好的,但是我觉得挺一般的,甚至可以说是不好吃。 只能说是方便(不需要冷藏,保质期也长),量小(2个人都不太能吃豆腐的话,亚超那种中式豆腐的两大块实在是太多了),囤货合适。 我从小到大吃的都是我妈在菜市场特地选好的一家需要排队抢才能买的到的当地卤水豆腐铺的豆腐……这个森永豆腐依然是比不了新鲜做好的豆腐好吃,适合非常时期囤货,或者懒得开车跑亚超现买豆腐的人。4⃣️