# 2022双节快乐 # Indonesia Yingduo Spicy Dry Noodles . I also bought the original flavor, but forgot to save the picture, I will post it next time. There is really nothing to say about this noodles. Both spicy and not spicy are super delicious. In fact, there is not much difference in taste. It is really just that the spicy taste will be more spicy. But this chili is not the kind that can be replaced with chili powder alone. One bag is not enough for a large meal, and a small one is just right. When I was particularly fond of spicy food, I felt that this was not spicy. I haven't eaten spicy food for a few months recently, and when I eat this spicy food again, I find that it is really spicy. Couldn't find anything to substitute for this noodles, which is as unique and delicious as Yiping's dry noodles! ! ! buy it! ! ! 7⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 印尼营多 辣味干捞面 。原味我也买过,不过忘了存图了,下次再晒。这个面真的没的说,辣的不辣的都超级好吃,其实味道差别不大,真的只是辣味的会更辣一些。可是这个辣椒又不是单独放个辣椒粉就能替代的那种。饭量大的一顿吃一袋不够,小的就刚刚好。 我之前特别能吃辣的时候感觉这个不辣,最近养胃有几个月没怎么吃辣的了,再吃这个辣味的发现还真的挺辣的。找不到什么能替代这个拌面的东西,这个面和一平的干拌面一样独一无二的好吃!!!买它!!!7⃣️