# 2022双节快乐 # Happy Kum Kee Baby is hungry Cheese note heart tear stick. recommend! The taste is that of Japanese sourdough bread, with a hint of cheese. Although the taste itself is delicious, it is not worthy of my recommendation. The recommended point is the texture, this moist and layered texture… It seems to be eating a super thin and soft layer cake skin mixed with tiger skin cake skin (indescribable... lack of vocabulary), 12 small vacuum packaging strips for $5.69, not very sweet, hygienic and user-friendly packaging, very very very worth it Buy and try. 8⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 乐锦记 宝宝饿了 奶酪注心撕棒。推荐!味道是那个日本的酵母面包的味,还带着淡淡的芝士味,味道本身虽然好吃但也不值得我说推荐而已。推荐的点在口感,这个湿润的带着层次的口感… 好像在吃超级薄软皮的千层蛋糕皮混合虎皮蛋糕皮(无法形容……词汇匮乏),5.69刀12个小真空包装条,也没有非常甜,包装卫生又人性化,非常非常非常值得买来试试。8⃣️