# 2022双节快乐 # Tian Xiaohua Potato powder in casserole. It feels the same as Guizhou Huaxi Noodles, suitable for people with a light mouth. This spiciness is much less than that of Guizhou Huaxi Noodles. I have to boast that the potato fans are in really good condition, even better than the ones I ate in the store, and they are cooked just right. And because it's already cooked, just make water, wrap the vegetables in the ingredients, and then put the powder in and stir it for a while. The soup bag is also liquid, and it will be diluted directly when you put it in. The soup itself tastes fine. It's just that the food is a little different from what I eat in the store, but it's still delicious. But there is a very serious problem. This vermicelli is directly boiled, and the fans themselves have no taste. Everyone knows the texture of potato flour... The water has no taste when it is boiled, and it will not taste after being soaked in the soup. For someone with a heavy mouth like me, the taste is really bland. 1⃣️1⃣️
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# 2022双节快乐 # 田小花 砂锅土豆粉。感觉跟贵州花溪粉一样,适合口淡的人吃,这个辣度比贵州花溪粉要少很多。我得夸一句,土豆粉丝的状态是真的很好,比我在店里吃的都要好,煮的状态刚刚好。而且因为已经熟了,只要做水,放料包蔬菜,然后把粉放进去搅拌一下就可以了。 汤包也是液体的,放进去直接就稀释好了,汤汁本身味道没问题。只是吃着跟我在店里吃的有点不太一样,但是也算好吃。不过有个很要命的问题,这个粉条是直接水煮的吧,粉丝本身没有味道。土豆粉的质地大家都懂…煮的时候水没味,后面就算泡在汤里也不会进味。对我这种口重的人来说味道实在是淡了点。1⃣️1⃣️