# 2022双节快乐 # I haven't eaten Shin ramen in a long time. I ate it in a Korean drama last night. But it makes me hungry. Shin ramen is also one of the top ten delicious ramen in the world. It is also one of the ramen I grew up eating. Classic taste. Sufficient ingredients. So there is always a stockpile of it at home. Its noodles are non-fried. Healthier than normal instant noodles. But of course, if you eat too much, it's not very good. Hmm. I understand the truth. I just can't control myself. Every time I eat ramen, I add some extra ingredients. You must have a poached egg to eat ramen. Then add some kale. A little closer to nutrition. I poured all the ingredients in the package. The soup looks bright red. It's not really spicy. Spicy and salty. I think it's pretty good. The face is also very elastic. Eating it and chasing dramas. No longer envious of people in dramas eating.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 好久没吃辛拉面了. 昨晚看了韩剧里面吃它. 可把我馋的. 辛拉面也是世界十大好吃拉面之一. 也是我从小吃到大的拉面之一. 经典的味道.料也足. 所以家里一直都有它的囤货. 它的面是非油炸. 比一般的方便面健康. 不过当然如果多吃.也是不太好. 嗯嗯.道理都懂.就是控制不住自己. 每次吃拉面我都会额外加一些食材. 吃拉面肯定要一颗荷包蛋. 然后在加些芥蓝.离营养稍微近了一步. 食材包我是全部都往里倒的. 汤汁看起来红彤彤. 其实并没有很辣. 辣中带着咸. 我觉得很刚好. 面的弹劲也是很够. 吃着它追剧.再也不羡慕剧中人吃东西了.