# 2022双节快乐 #天小花 The powder of this casserole potato powder is exactly the same as the powder in the domestic snack bar. It is all round powder. After cooking, it is crystal clear and very Q-bombable. It is really good as an instant casserole potato powder! Potato flour is easier to cook. You can add flour when the meat and vegetables are almost cooked, add some shredded kelp, and a full bowl is delicious.
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# 2022双节快乐 #田小花这个砂锅土豆粉的粉和国内小吃店的粉一摸一样,都是圆粉,煮好后晶莹剔透,也很Q弹,作为速食砂锅土豆粉真心不错!土豆粉比较好煮,可以在肉和菜快熟时再放粉儿,加了一些海带丝,满满一碗很好吃。