# 2022双节快乐 #Finally bought the ham sausage, baked it in the air fryer, and finally sprinkled it with Liupo pepper noodles, YYDS! 🌟 Wash the small potatoes without peeling, add water to cover the potatoes, and heat them in the microwave for about 7 minutes. By this time the potatoes are almost cooked, let cool and cut into small pieces. 🌟Add salt, white pepper powder, cumin powder, Liupo chili noodles, oil, Liupo chili oil to the potato cubes, mix well, and bake in an air fryer at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes. 🌟Cut the ham sausage into small pieces, add the seasoning and oyster sauce from the above steps, mix well, mix the potatoes and continue to bake for 6-10 minutes. Flip in the middle.
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# 2022双节快乐 #终于买到了火腿肠,空气炸锅烤一下,最后撒上六婆辣椒面,YYDS! 🌟小土豆洗干净,不用去皮,加水没过土豆,放微波炉加热7分钟左右。这时候土豆基本熟了,晾凉切小块。 🌟土豆块加入盐、白胡椒粉、孜然粉、六婆辣椒面、油、六婆辣椒油拌匀,空气炸锅400华氏度烤10分钟。 🌟火腿肠花刀切小段,也加入上面步骤的调料和蚝油拌匀,混合土豆继续烤6-10分钟。中间翻面。