# 2022双节快乐 # Test the delicious milk tea! Ocean bomb low card no burden At first, I bought this milk tea partly because of its appearance, the combination of pink and purple, the 2D drawing, and the background of the Taipei Night Market, which is really super cute. In addition, seeing the introduction said that there are pearls, it really aroused my interest, after all, it is difficult to eat pearls that are not freshly cooked. The milk tea itself did not disappoint! The taste is very similar to the afternoon black tea, the black tea has a strong taste, and this kind of taste can also be low in calories, which is really super! Lots of sugar, but no trans fatty acids. Pearls are cold sky pearls, so they taste crispy. I like them very much, but just change the color. 😅 Recommended index: 4/5
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# 2022双节快乐 # 亲测好喝的奶茶!Ocean bomb低卡无负担 起初入这款奶茶一部分是因为颜值,粉紫搭配,2D的绘图,背景还是台北夜市,真的超级可爱。另外,看到介绍说还带珍珠,着实引起了我的兴趣,毕竟不是现煮的珍珠很难好吃。 奶茶本身也没让人失望!口味和午后红茶很像,红茶味浓,而且这样的口味还能低卡真的超级赞!含糖量不少,不过没有反式脂肪酸。 珍珠是寒天珍珠,所以吃起来有爽脆感,个人很喜欢,只不过换个颜色就好了😅 推荐指数:4/5