# 2022双节快乐 # I have bad teeth recently. So they are knocking sunflower seeds. The shell of sunflower seeds is soft. If the melon seeds are big enough and crispy enough, they can be opened directly by hand. This brand is also very fragrant and delicious. Each one is very large. The flesh of each melon seed is super full. And it's super good. As soon as you eat it, the shell is broken in half. Fragrant and sweet. The taste is strong. While watching TV. Eat watermelon. It's not fragrant today~^_^
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# 2022双节快乐 # 最近牙不好. 所以都在磕葵花籽. 葵花籽的壳软. 如果瓜子够大.够脆.手都能直接拨开. 这牌子的也是很香很美味. 每颗都非常的大颗. 每一颗的瓜子肉都超饱满. 而且超好嗑的. 一嗑.壳就碎两半. 香香甜甜的. 味道算浓味. 边看电视. 边嗑瓜. 这日子.不香嘛~^_^