# 2022双节快乐 # Continue to chat about Haitian Oyster Sauce. Oyster sauce is really inseparable from every dish in our family. Among them, I like the [Ginger Onion Crab] made by my child's father the most. Really very appetizing. Eat one more bowl at every meal. I think it tastes better than the takeaway restaurant I really want to compliment him on that. After all, he is also a chef. Boys also like to listen to good words. After complimenting, they are happy. They do it often. So let's share our approach. 1. The first step is to prepare the ingredients. Wash the crabs. Pull out the shells. Cut the crabs in half. 2. Boil the oil. Then coat the prepared crab with cornstarch. Fry for 2-3 minutes. Drain and set aside. 3. Add a little oil. First shred the ginger. Pour into the pot and fry until fragrant. Then add oyster sauce ➕ sugar ➕ water ➕ Wanzi. (After the sauce is adjusted. After boiling. Try the taste later. There is more sugar. It depends on personal taste) 4. Finally, pour the drained crab into the sauce and stir fry. 5. Sprinkle onion at the end. You can enjoy the food out of the pan. The same is true for the ginger and onion lobster. We make more sauce every time. Really good for bibimbap! of! special! do not! good! eat! I have eaten this taste for more than 10 years. Still the same love.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 继续聊海天蚝油. 我们家真的每道菜都离不开蚝油呀. 其中我最喜欢孩子爹做的【姜葱螃蟹】了. 真的特别的开胃. 每次饭都多吃一碗. 我觉得比外卖餐馆做的还好吃~ 这点真心要夸一下他. 毕竟他也是有厨师底子的. 男生也喜欢听好话.夸完.开心了.就经常做了. 那么来分享一下我们的做法吧. 1.首先就是食材准备.螃蟹洗干净.拔壳.蟹身切半. 2.油烧开.然后把备好螃蟹裹上生粉.放入炸2-3分钟.沥干备用. 3.加少许油.先把姜切丝.倒入锅里炒出香味.然后加入蚝油➕糖➕水➕万字.(酱料调好后.烧开以后.稍后试试味道.我们蚝油和糖放的比较多哦.看个人口感) 4.最后把沥干好的螃蟹倒入酱汁翻炒. 5.最后撒上葱段.就可以出锅享受美食了. 姜葱龙虾的也是这样的步骤的. 我们每次都会多做一些sauce. 用来拌饭真!的!特!别!好!吃! 吃了10几年这味道了.还是一样的爱.