I personally love drinking juice/fruit tea + Yakult (+ sparkling water) to make all kinds of "too", but after learning about the sugar content of Yakult 🍬, I was instantly discouraged. After trying the Lactobacillus flavored sparkling water from Yuanqi Forest, I had a flash of inspiration: Isn't this a great substitute for Yakult + sparkling water 🤩, the taste is similar, but the calories are too much friendly. This time I tried it at home, and it was very successful! Another drink used this time is also highly recommended: 🍍Slightly Hot Hills 100% Pure Natural Earth Pineapple Juice I don’t need to go into details about how famous the pineapple cakes of Wei Hot Hills are. Their pineapple juice is boiled directly without any additives, and the taste is natural and outstanding. Compared with freshly squeezed pineapple juice, it has no astringency, sweet and sour taste. 100ml of 78 calories is a little high, and it is more suitable to use the 0 calorie forest. The method is super simple, add ice cubes in the glass, pour in 2/3 cup of pineapple juice, and 1/3 cup of vitality forest lactic acid bacteria sparkling water. In this proportion, the pineapple flavor will be relatively strong, and it will not be overwhelmed by the lactic acid bacteria flavor. The sweetness is just right, and there is a little sourness of pineapple, which is refreshing and appetizing. This summer, I will look for it. #摸着良心来种草啦 # #亚米虎年红包 # #0Placeholder_for_esaay_translation0fbbf7a698334833b73b7a698334833b73
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我本人很爱喝果汁/果茶+养乐多(+气泡水)做的各种"多多",但是在得知了养乐多的含糖量🍬之后瞬间望而却步。尝过元气森林的乳酸菌味气泡水后我灵光一闪: 这不就是养乐多+气泡水的绝佳替代品吗🤩,味道差不多,卡路里却友好太多。这次就在家实验了一下,果然非常成功! 这次用到的另外一款饮品也很推荐: 🍍微热山丘 100%纯天然土凤梨汁 微热山丘家的凤梨酥有多出名就不需要我赘述了吧,它家的凤梨汁是直火熬出不含任何添加剂的,味道自然出众。比起鲜榨的菠萝汁,没有一点涩味,酸甜可口。100毫升78大卡的热量稍微有点高,用0卡的元气森林搭配再合适不过了。 做法超级简单,杯中加冰块,倒入2/3杯菠萝汁,1/3杯元气森林乳酸菌气泡水就好了。这样的比例菠萝味会比较浓,不至于被乳酸菌味抢戏,甜度也正好,还有一点凤梨的微酸,清爽开胃,今年夏天我认准它了。 # 摸着良心来种草啦 # # 亚米虎年红包 # # 2022双节快乐 #