# 2022双节快乐 #Following the last taro cake, I happened to buy taro cakes, Yudan cakes and egg yolk cakes at a prehistoric low price. They are as delicious as ever. Taro cakes are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Taro, Yudan Crisp: the skin is crispy and milky, slightly sweeter than the taro crisp, egg yolk crisp: the outer skin is very crisp and easy to loosen, the red bean is a bit dry, the egg yolk is salty and fragrant, the packaging is beautiful, it is suitable for gift and personal use😊
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# 2022双节快乐 #继上次的芋头酥后,碰巧这次酥饼史前低价,我又再次购买了芋头酥,御丹酥和蛋黄酥,果然一如既往的美味,芋头酥:外酥内软,带有芋香,御丹酥:皮酥奶香,比芋头酥稍甜一点,蛋黄酥:外皮很酥易散,红豆有点干,蛋黄咸香,包装美观,送礼自用两相宜😊