# 2022双节快乐 # Chen Yunbaoquan! The best crispy ~~~~ TOP 4 in my heart 1. Taro Crisp: Soft and glutinous inside! Bake it! Or heat it up! When it's hot, the filling in it will be silky~ 2. Jinsha Crisp: Easy to break, but delicious! It is relatively loose inside, and it will fall off slag. 3. Egg yolk crisp: There is a whole salted egg yolk inside, which is super satisfying 😁hehe, with red bean flavor, just right. 4. Yudanbo: red beans and cheese, not tired of eating~~ The taste is not too sweet, and the softness is good. I finally bought the taro that I was thinking about~~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 陈允宝泉!最好吃的酥~~~~ 心里的TOP 4 1. 芋头酥:里面软软糯糯的!烤它!或者加热它!热了以后它里面的馅会拉丝~ 2. 金沙酥:容易碎,但是好吃!里面比较散,会掉渣渣。 3. 蛋黄酥:里面一整颗咸蛋黄,超满足😁嘻嘻,搭配着红豆味,正正好。 4. 御丹波:红豆和乳酪,吃不腻~~ 味道都不会甜腻,松软度也好,终于买到了心心念念的芋头~~