# 2022双节快乐 # Salty Snacks Sanukiya Shredded Squid Shredded squid and grilled fish fillets are my favorite salty snacks when I was in China~ I stumbled upon Yami's Sanukiya Shredded Squid that tastes very good! Yami's Sanukiya Shredded Squid comes in four flavors, Original, Spicy, Smoky Charcoal Grilled and Smoky Spicy. I bought the smoky charcoal grilled flavor, and my teammates thought it was not salty enough, but I personally think that the saltiness is moderate, just right, and has a hint of sweetness, which is very much in line with my personal taste. Sanukiya shredded squid comes in small and large packages. I bought the small package. Although the large package will be cost-effective on average, I am afraid that it will dry out if I eat it slowly, so I bought the small package. Small package of 2oz, Yami sells for $3.49, and will try other flavors later.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 咸口休闲小零食 赞岐屋鱿鱼丝 鱿鱼丝和烤鱼片是我在国内时候最喜欢吃的咸口小零食~偶然发现亚米的赞岐屋鱿鱼丝味道很不错! 亚米的赞岐屋鱿鱼丝有四种,原味、香辣、烟熏炭烤和烟熏辣味。我买了烟熏炭烤味,队友觉得不够咸,但我个人觉得这个咸度适中,刚刚好,而且还带着一丝甜味,很和我个人口味。 赞岐屋鱿鱼丝有小包装和大包装,我买了小包装,虽然大包装平均下来会划算,但我怕吃得慢会变干,还是买了小包装。小包装2oz,亚米售价$3.49,以后再尝尝别的口味。