# 2022双节快乐 # Although I have never been to Wuhan and have never eaten authentic Wuhan hot dry noodles, this hot dry noodles recommended to us by my friends in Hubei is really good! A box of this Missing Hot and Dry Noodles is for two people, each serving is 100 grams, and comes with 4 packets of seasonings, namely chili oil packets, seasoned sesame paste, seasoned soy sauce and sour beans. According to the instructions, boil the noodles in boiling water for 6-7 minutes. After cooking for a while, I can smell the aroma of the noodles. With the seasoning, the sesame fragrance of sesame paste, the sourness of sour beans and chili oil, the taste of the whole noodles is rich and mellow, which is great! This Missing Hot Dry Noodles is priced at $3.49 at Yami, a box that can solve dinner for two, it tastes great, and pasta lovers should love it.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 尽管没去过武汉,也没吃过正宗的武汉热干面,但身边湖北的小伙伴向我们推荐的这款热干面真是很不错! 这款想念热干面一盒是两人份,每份面有100克,并配有4包调料,分别为辣油包、调味麻酱、调味酱油和酸豆角。按照说明,开水煮面6-7分钟,我多煮了一会儿,越煮越能闻到面条的香味,真真是浓郁麦香,并且口感也劲道。配上调料,麻酱的芝麻香,和酸豆角、辣油的酸辣,整个面的味道丰富又醇厚,特别棒! 这款想念热干面在亚米的售价为$3.49,一盒解决两人的晚餐,味道棒,面食爱好者应该会喜欢。