# 2022双节快乐 # On weekend mornings in winter, eating a bowl of hot and fragrant noodle soup is so comforting~ I have bought Jinmailang's Hot and Sour Pork Bone Noodle Soup and Mushroom Chicken Noodle Soup on Yami before, and they feel very good. Recently, I bought the seafood noodle soup. This Jinmailang Seafood Noodle Soup is also a fast food with a large and affordable amount of noodles and foot soup. Besides the bread, there are two seasoning packs, vegetable packs and soup packs. Boil the noodles and vegetables for 3 minutes, then add the soup bag and cook for 1 minute. The noodles are strong and the soup is fresh and thick. A bowl in the winter morning will warm the stomach to the body. This Jinmailang Seafood Noodle Soup is priced at $4.99 (5 packs) at Yami, another affordable and delicious quick meal.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 冬天周末早上,吃上一碗热乎乎香喷喷的汤面简直是太舒服了~ 之前在亚米上买过今麦郎的酸辣猪骨汤面和香菇鸡汤面,感觉都很不错,最近又买了海鲜汤面。这款今麦郎海鲜汤面也是量大实惠,面足汤浓的一款速食。除了面饼外,有两个调料包,蔬菜包和汤包。开水煮面和蔬菜3分钟后,再加入汤包煮1分钟即可。面条劲道,汤汁鲜浓,冬天早上吃上一碗,从胃到身体都暖暖的。 这款今麦郎海鲜汤面在亚米的售价为$4.99(5连包),又是一款实惠味美的速食。