# 2022双节快乐 #Xiao Diao Pear Soup tastes sweet and sour, both adults and children like it. I like to cut the white fungus into pieces, it is easier to glue. After stewing, the soup is thick and thick, accompanied by soft pear meat, which is refreshing. I also added some lilies. After stewing, the lilies are very soft and glutinous, and the taste is very good. This time, I used the honey plum cake of Xiaomeiwu, and added some hawthorn fruit, which tasted sweet and sour.
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# 2022双节快乐 #小吊梨汤味道酸酸甜甜,大人小朋友都喜欢。 我喜欢把银耳切的碎碎的,更容易出胶。炖好后汤汁浓稠,配上软软的梨肉,沁人心脾。还加了一些百合,炖煮后百合非常软糯,口感很好。这次用了小梅屋的蜂蜜梅饼,又加了一些山楂果,煮出来味道酸甜开胃。