# 2022双节快乐 # There are many children in the family, and they all love sweets. They like the new and hate the old from time to time. The old mother can only buy different styles. Recently purchased this Marukin Hokkaido thick-cut Baumkuchen from Yami. This thick-cut Baumkuchen has a net weight of 270 grams per pack, and a pack of 10 pieces is individually packaged for easy portability. The taste is moderately sweet, not greasy, accompanied by evaporated milk fragrance. The taste is soft and soft. Although each small cake is individually packaged, it should be eaten as soon as possible after opening the large package, otherwise it will be easy to dry. This Marukin Hokkaido Milk Thick Cut Baumkuchen is $6.49 on Yami, with other flavors available.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 家里小朋友多,而且都爱吃甜食,还时不时喜新厌旧,老母亲只能换着不同样式的买。最近从亚米购入了这款丸金北海道厚切年轮蛋糕。 这款厚切年轮小蛋糕每包净含量为270克,一包有10枚,独立包装,方便携带。味道上甜度适中,不会有甜腻感,伴有淡奶香。口感上软绵,尽管每一个小蛋糕都是独立包装,但是大包装打开后还是要尽快吃,不然还是容易干。 这款丸金北海道牛乳厚切年轮蛋糕在亚米上的售价$6.49,还有其他口味可选。