# 2022双节快乐 # Ranli special session! ! ! Every cake from this brand is delicious! It's soft and dense after a bite, and the sweetness is just right. It's very convenient to have breakfast in the morning and carry it when you go out. After eating it, you don't have a strong sense of guilt. It's wonderful, but the price is slightly higher. , but remember not to hoard too much, the shelf life of his cakes is relatively short~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 然利专场!!!这牌子的蛋糕,每一款,都好吃!咬一口下去松软绵密,甜度刚刚好,早上来不及吃早饭,外出携带,都非常方便,吃完也没有很强的负罪感,太美妙了,就是价格略高,每次都是趁打折囤,不过记得也不能囤太多,他家的蛋糕保质期比较短~