# 2022双节快乐 # My baby's new favorite snack, Haitai Oreo Cookies and Cream Pie~ I've only eaten Haitai's honey potato chips before, and it tastes great! Recently, I have started to try other snacks from Haitai. This Oreo cookie and cream sandwich pie combines the taste of Oreo with the soft texture of the pie. Sandwich, loved by children! Friends who love Oreos should also like it! This Haitai Oreo Cookie Cream Sandwich Pie, a box of 12 individually wrapped pieces, is good for breakfast as a snack!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 我家娃的新晋最爱小零食,Haitai海太奥利奥曲奇奶油夹心派~ 之前只吃过海太的蜂蜜薯片,味道超级棒!最近开始陆续尝试海太的其他小零食啦~这款奥利奥曲奇奶油夹心派融合了奥利奥的味道和派的松软口感,伴着些许奶香,中间还有类似棉花糖口感的奶油夹心,深受小朋友喜爱!喜爱奥利奥的小伙伴应该也会喜欢! 这款Haitai海太奥利奥曲奇奶油夹心派,一盒12枚独立包装,当早餐当零食都不错!