# 2022双节快乐 # Small Tip for Skull Heightening | Quickly rush this lazy shark clip ✨I fell in love with all kinds of hair accessories recently, and I collected a wave of various hairstyle tutorials✨ Follow the street shooting, planting grass with a lazy wind high head shark clip Then I found out that the heroines of Friends already have a lot of looks on TV Looking at the troubles of my friends who posted pictures, I can't catch too much hair with shark clips Advanced Versailles way, bald boy expresses wanting to have the same trouble 😂 There are many tutorials on the use of shark clips on the Internet, just follow the operation. It's quite quick to get started, just watch the practice a few times, and it feels relatively simple. Tie the hair in a bunch at the back, divide it into two strands, and thread the hair from top to bottom Pull the hair loose, clamp it with a shark clip, and sort out the broken hair It feels very convenient to get started, and it is also very firm to use this method Going out, there will be no loose The little sisters who need to create a high-skull top atmosphere with flat heads can rush!
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# 2022双节快乐 # 颅顶增高小Tip|快冲这款慵懒风鲨鱼夹 ✨最近爱上了各式发饰,各种发型教程收集了一波✨ 跟着街拍,种草了慵懒风高颅顶鲨鱼夹 然后发现,老友记的女主们在电视中已有不少造型 看着晒图小伙伴的烦恼之,头发太多鲨鱼夹抓不住 高级的凡尔赛方式,秃头少年表示想拥有同款烦恼😂 网上有不少鲨鱼夹的使用教程了,跟着操作就可 上手还是蛮快的,看几遍实操就可,感觉比较简单的是 将头发在后面绑一个束,分为两绺,将头发从上穿下 将头发扯松一些,用鲨鱼夹夹住,整理下碎发就可 感觉上手还是很方便的,使用这个方法也夹得很牢固 出门外出,也不会有松动,可以乱蹦哒,还上镜 扁头需要营造高颅顶氛围感的小姐妹们,可冲!