# 2022双节快乐 # When I was in high school, my favorite snack was the chocolate cream sandwich pie. I didn’t have time to eat in the morning, or I was hungry in the evening. Just come in with one or two, and I’m not hungry right away, and I’ll be full of energy! I just found out recently that it is actually sold in Yami~ This Lotte Chocolate Cream Pie is 336 grams and comes in a pack of 12. Each is individually packaged for easy portability. It tastes sweet and savory when you open the bag, the chocolate is wrapped in thin cakes, and the cream is sandwiched. Although you know the heat is exploding when you think about it, you can't help but take a bite. The children at home also like it very much. It may be that with age, the hobby of sweets is not as good as before. One is to satisfy one's cravings, and it is just right to miss when I was a child. The second packet is definitely not eaten. This Lotte Chocolate Cream Pie is priced at $4.89 at Yami's, and those who like chocolate pie can try it.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 高中时候最爱吃的小零食就是巧克力奶油夹心派,早上来不及吃饭,或是晚自习饿了,来一两颗,立刻不饿,精力跟着充沛起来!最近才发现,居然在亚米就有卖~ 这款乐天巧克力奶油夹心派是336克,12枚装。每颗都是独立包装,方便携带。开袋就能味道香甜气味,巧克力裹着薄蛋糕,奶油夹心,虽然想想就知道热量爆炸,但是还是忍不住咬上一口,家里小朋友也特别喜欢吃。可能是随着年龄增长,对甜的嗜好不如从前了,一颗解解馋,怀念小时候刚刚好,第二包是断然不敢吃啦。 这款乐天巧克力奶油夹心派在亚米的售价是$4.89,喜欢巧克力派的小伙伴可以试试。