# 2022双节快乐 # # 我要上精选 # (❤️N0.45) I especially like to eat all kinds of seafood with ginger and onion 😍 Essential seasoning 👉 umami and oil consumption! Made ginger and spring onion prawns 🦐 It's so delicious! ☘️Open the back of the prawn and pick out the shrimp line, add some starch and mix well ☘️Start frying the prawns, take out the prawns for later use ☘️Ginger and garlic sliced, green onion sliced, you can also slice some onion 🧅 ☘️ Seasoning sauce: Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce, cooking wine, salt, starch, add some water and mix well ☘️Pour oil into the pot and heat it, add onion, ginger and garlic to saute until fragrant, then add the fried prawns and stir fry quickly, and finally pour in the sauce to thicken and serve! Fragrant fried prawns with ginger and spring onions🦐 are ready to go! The fresh and salty fragrance is really delicious 😋👍
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# 2022双节快乐 # # 我要上精选 # (❤️N0.45)特别喜欢吃各种姜葱海鲜😍必不可少的调味料👉鲜味耗油!做了姜葱大虾🦐实在太美味了! ☘️大虾开背挑出虾线,再加点淀粉拌匀 ☘️开始炸大虾,稍微变色就可以捞出备用 ☘️姜和蒜切片,葱切段,也可以切点洋葱🧅 ☘️调料汁:李锦记蚝油、料酒、盐、淀粉,加点清水搅拌均匀 ☘️锅中倒油加热放入葱姜蒜爆香,再放入炸好的大虾快速翻炒,最后倒入料汁勾芡即可出锅! 香喷喷的姜葱炒大虾🦐就可以开动啦!鲜咸香真的非常好吃😋👍