# 2022双节快乐 #If there is a rabbit at home, I like to eat melon seeds, but I prefer the flavor of vine pepper. I am still surprised when I get ten packs in one go. The quality of the melon seeds is guaranteed, the grains are plump, not bad, and the taste is good, although I prefer the spiced and original ones. Shaqima is really a good thing. It is always crispy. Hsu Fu Chi is a classic brand. Although I prefer the taste of brown sugar, who makes the most money. Black sesame seeds are prepared for the elderly with diabetes at home. All kinds of things are made into a paste, plus a tablespoon of black sesame seeds. I remember that I just bought two packets of black sesame seeds last month.
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# 2022双节快乐 #家里有属兔的,就爱嗑瓜子,不过偏爱藤椒味,一口气来十包,我还是惊讶了一下。恰恰的瓜子有品质保障,颗粒饱满,没有坏的,味道不错,虽然我更喜欢五香的和原味的。沙琪玛真是好物,永远的酥,徐福记是经典牌子,虽然我更喜欢黑糖口味,可谁让掏钱的人最大呢。黑芝麻是给家里糖尿病老人准备的,各种东西打成糊糊,加上一大勺黑芝麻,话说我记得上个月刚买了两包黑芝麻,这就吃完了?