# 2022双节快乐 # I have always defined myself as someone who can eat spicy food, but after trying Mala Spicy Luoshi Noodles, I correctly recognize myself as someone who can't eat spicy food. For those who can't eat spicy food like me, but still love snail powder, you might as well try Lobawang's tomato snail powder. This luobawang tomato snail powder is a good news for friends who can't eat spicy food. There are a lot of ingredients, such as yuba, sour bamboo shoots, sour beans, fungus and dried radish, but the spicy oil packet is replaced by a tomato packet. , but also has the unique taste of snail lion powder, and there is a hint of sweetness of tomato ~ coupled with eggs and your favorite vegetables, it is sour, sweet and spicy, and it is full of satisfaction. This Loba King Tomato Loshi Powder is priced at $3.39 at Yami. If you add more vegetables and meatballs, you can make two servings from one pack~
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# 2022双节快乐 # 我之前一直把自己定义为中等能吃辣,结果在尝试过麻辣味螺狮粉后,我就正确认识自己为不能吃辣的人了。对于像我一样不能吃辣,但是还爱螺狮粉的小伙伴不妨试试螺霸王的番茄螺狮粉。 这款螺霸王番茄螺狮粉就是不能吃辣小伙伴的福音,该有的料包都不少,腐竹、酸笋、酸豆角、木耳和萝卜干都有,只是辣油包换成了番茄料包,又能有螺狮粉特有的味道,还多了番茄的一丝鲜甜~再配上蛋和自己喜好的蔬菜,酸爽甜辣,吃着满足感爆棚。 这款螺霸王番茄螺狮粉在亚米的售价$3.39,要是多添些菜和丸子进去,一包就能做出两人份~