# 2022双节快乐 # A moment of gluttony|Xiankou Xingren 👻 Breakfast has to be salty ✨Check in the delicious snacks of childhood, the popular and delicious snacks in elementary school✨ As a salty star, breakfast always has to be sweet, so in addition to bread Usually, I also stock up on some savory snacks, paired with sweet ones to satisfy my cravings I don't feel like eating something salty, the breakfast is always less flavorful and not enjoyable Unexpectedly, Yami was actually on this popular snack at the gate of my childhood school It feels like I haven't eaten it for many years. The last time I ate it should be at the school gate. Although this snack is less healthy, fried foods But it's still delicious to eat once in a while, full of childhood memories One bite and one crunch, one can't stop at all When eating, the mouth will be a little numb, salty and spicy, and there will be a salty feeling After drinking several glasses of water, I feel that the spices in the snack will be heavier It is not recommended to eat more, just buy a bag to relieve cravings, and reminisce the good taste of childhood
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# 2022双节快乐 # 馋嘴一刻|咸口星人👻早餐还得来点咸 ✨打卡童年好味零食,小学爆款美味✨ 作为咸口星人,早餐总要来点甜,所以除了面包外 一般还会囤一些咸口的小零食,搭配着甜口解馋 感觉不吃点咸的,早餐总是少了些滋味,不尽兴 没想到亚米居然上了这款童年校门口的人气零食 感觉也是多年没吃过了,上次吃应该还是校门口 虽然这款零食比较没有那么健康,油炸食品 但是偶尔吃一次还是好香啊,满满的童年回忆 一口一个嘎嘣脆,一个一个完全停不下来 吃的时候嘴会有些麻麻的,咸辣麻脆,会有咸感 吃完之后喝了好几杯水,感觉零食中香料会比较重 不建议多吃,买一袋解解馋就好,回味童年好味