# 2022双节快乐 # Crispy and delicious, this white chocolate crispy toast 🍞 is so delicious‼ ️ This Piaget's crispy toast is a recent one from Yami. I didn't expect much at first, I just wanted to try the new product. I didn't expect this brand to be quite famous. The white chocolate is not as sweet as I imagined, but it is crispier than I imagined. It's crispy after a bite, accompanied by the sweetness of chocolate. It's very delicious. There are only six individual small packages in a box. It's very delicious to eat it quickly‼ ️ # 亚米虎年红包 #
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# 2022双节快乐 # 香酥可口,这个白巧克力脆吐司🍞太可了‼️ 这个伯力爵的脆吐司是最近亚米入的 一开始没有太大期待 只是想尝尝新品 没想到这个牌子还蛮有名的 白巧克力没有想象的甜 吐司却比想象中的要脆香 一咬就脆 伴随着巧克力的清甜 非常好吃 一盒量不多 六枚独立小包装脆吐司 很快就吃完 非常好吃哟‼️ # 亚米虎年红包 #