# 2022双节快乐 # This chili sauce is really delicious. It is used to mix noodles, rice, and steamed buns. Salty and spicy, the spiciness is just right for me who doesn't like spicy food. One bite, the taste of the peppers is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the oily fragrance matches the spicy fragrance, and it is impossible to stop. Please restock quickly, I want to stock up.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 这款烧椒酱真的太好吃了。用来拌面,拌饭,就馒头都很绝绝子。咸香鲜辣,辣度对于我这个不太能吃辣的来说刚刚好。一口下去,辣椒的口感外脆里嫩,油香搭配辣香,根本停不下来。求赶紧补货吧,我要囤货。