# 2022双节快乐 # I'm going to blow up the various noodles in the Jinmailang series. So far, I have bought wide noodles, hand-pulled noodles, dragon whisked noodles, and knife-cut noodles, all of which are very delicious. The noodles are smooth and chewy, and they will not rot after cooking for a while. Sometimes when you eat alone, you only need to fry an egg, add a few green vegetables, add two pieces of luncheon meat, add broth, and season it, it is a perfect meal.
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# 2022双节快乐 # 我要吹爆今麦郎系列的各种面条。至今我买过宽面,手打拉面,龙须面,刀削面,都非常好吃。面条爽滑劲道,多煮一会也不会烂。 有时候一个人吃饭,只要煎个蛋,加几颗青菜,再加两片午餐肉,加入高汤,调个味,就是完美的一餐了。